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Written by Mariya Shcherbakova
Updated over a week ago

Reach is available only for Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte and only for your own accounts.

Depending on the social network, the metrics will differ. We will tell you more about the Reach tab for each social network.

Instagram Reach


In the widgets, you can see various reach metrics, all calculated differently. What does each one mean?

  • Post Reach – this is the sum of the reach for all posts (including sponsored ones) you published during the selected period. You can see this by going to the Posts tab and summing up the reach of each post.

Post Reach considers the unique reach of each individual post. If a person saw 5 posts, they will be counted 5 times in this metric. It is the sum of unique reaches; thus, it is not a unique metric. Post reach = not a unique metric.

For example, in the account for the period selected in the top right corner, 10 posts were published, and their total reach was 5,947 users. This reach is reflected in the weekly reports you receive via email.

  • Stories Reach – this is the sum of the reach for all stories you published during the selected period. You can see this by going to the Stories tab and summing up the reach of each story.

  • Reach for the Month – this is the unique reach of the entire account for the last month, including users who saw old, new posts, visits, transitions, reposts, stories, any content.

    • The Month in the Reach for the Month block is the last 28 days from the end date of the selected period. For example, if you selected the period from December 1-31, the data in the Reach for the Month block will reflect the period from December 4-31.

    • The Reach for the Month includes both organic and sponsored reach if any were present. Regardless of whether the ad account is connected or not, these data are transmitted including advertisements.

    • Regardless of the selected period, the data will be for the last month as of the end of the period, including both organic and sponsored reach if any were present.

Instagram provides us with unique reach only for 1 day, 7 days (Week), and 28 days (Month). Unique reach for arbitrary periods cannot be viewed on the service.

Therefore, to ensure that the Reach in the Reach for the Month block matches the unique reach in Instagram statistics, you need to select a period of 28 days in Instagram, the same as in the Reach for the Month.

  • Sponsored Reach – the total reach from all connected ad accounts for the selected period. The data is pulled from the "Ads" tab and the total reach of all added accounts is taken. For this figure to be accurate for the specific Instagram account, only one ad account should be connected, where ads are launched exclusively for one Instagram account.

If a post was published, for example, on March 8, 2022, and then run as an ad during the week of November 27-29, 2022, the reach will "go" to the date of the post's publication. To see this Reach, you need to select a period that includes the post's publication date.
This reach will not be visible on the graph for the days when the post was run as an ad; it will only be visible if you select a period including March 8, 2022.

Compared to the previous period – shows the change in the metric for the analyzed period compared to the previous period.

How does Post/Stories Reach differ from Account Reach mentioned in Reach for the Month?

Post/Stories Reach - this is the sum of the reach for posts or stories. It is not a unique metric. A person may view 5 posts/stories in a month and will be counted 5 times in the Post/Stories reach, but only once in the unique reach for the month.

Account Reach - this is a broader metric - the unique reach of the entire account, not just posts or stories during the selected period. Users may view old posts, new posts, and any other content, etc.

Reach and Views Chart

On this chart, you can see the account reach broken down by day, week, or month.

It shows how many Instagram users saw your account (posts, Stories, etc.) during the specified period. All published content in the account is considered.

For example, you have a post that was published in February 2020, and users can view it in March, April, and beyond. Views and reach are counted in the month when they are made by the user.

  • Views - the total number of times the account was viewed on the specified day.

  • Reach - the number of unique users (both sponsored and organic) who saw the content on the specified day.

  • Sponsored Reach is loaded from the ad accounts specified on the "Ads" tab. On the graph, sponsored reach is displayed broken down by days, showing the unique reach of the ad account for each day of the selected period.

Instagram provides us with unique reach only for 1 day, 7 days (Week), and 28 days (Month).

Unique account reach for an arbitrary period cannot be viewed on the service.

Graph display “Day” (default)

Here you can see the unique reach of the account for each day, where each point on the graph is a day.

Below the graph (figure for the period) - the sum of these days, i.e., the sum of the unique reaches for each day. Therefore, below the graph is a non-unique figure.

Graph display “Week”

If you select Week display, you can see the unique reach of the account for 7 days, where each point on the graph is a week - 7 days back from the date of the point.

For example: point June 15 - this is 7 days back from June 15, i.e., unique reach for the period from June 9-15.

Below the graph (figure for the period), also, the sum of weeks, i.e., the sum of unique reaches for each week. Below the graph is a non-unique figure.

Graph display “Month”

If you select Month display, you can see the unique reach of the account for a month (28 days), where each point on the graph is 28 days back from the date of the point.

For example, the point October 16 - this is 28 days back from October 16, i.e., unique reach for the period from September 19 to October 16, and the point October 15 - this is 28 days back from October 15, i.e., unique reach for the period from September 18 to October 15, and so on.

The point October 16 coincides with the Reach for the Month block because the month in the Reach for the Month block is 28 days back from the last date of the selected period.

Below the graph (figure for the period), also, the sum of the points, the sum of unique reaches for the month, for 28 days. Below the graph is a non-unique figure.

Profile Visits

Here is shown the number of unique users who viewed the account's main page.

Each point on the graph shows the number of unique users who viewed the account's main page. It refers only to those users who, after seeing your post/stories/message in Direct, etc., went to your profile to, for example, see something in the profile header or read posts.

Each point is a day. Below the graph (figure for the period) - the sum of these days. The period can be selected in the top right corner.

Views and Reach Charts

These charts show reach and views of posts published during the selected period.

Here you can see the breakdown of the total reach of posts published during the selected period:

  • Sponsored reach (if the post was promoted)

  • Organic reach

  • Average daily reach for the analyzed period.

Facebook Reach


Facebook reach widgets are almost identical to Instagram. Instead of Stories Reach, here we have Post Reach (avg).

Facebook reach widgets screenshot
  • Post Reach - the total reach of posts published over the selected period.
    Post Reach accounts for the unique reach of each individual post. If a person saw 5 posts, they will be counted 5 times in this metric. This is the sum of unique reaches, meaning it is a non-unique metric. Post Reach = non-unique metric.

  • Post Reach (avg) - the average reach of posts published over the selected period.

  • Monthly Reach – the unique reach of the entire account over the last month, including users who interacted with old or new posts, visits, redirects, shares, stories, and any other content.

    • The month in the Monthly Reach block is the 28 days prior to the end date of the selected period.

    • For example, if you selected the period from December 1-31, the data in the Monthly Reach block will display from December 4-31.

    • Both organic and ad reaches are included in the monthly reach if they occurred.

    • Regardless of the selected period, the data will reflect the last month up to the last date of the period, including both organic and ad reaches if they occurred.

  • Ad Reach - ad reach data is obtained directly from Facebook.

For the period – shows the change in the metric for the analyzed period compared to the previous period.

If a post was published, for example, on March 8, 2022, and placed as an ad during the week of November 27-29, 2022, the reach will be attributed to the publication date of the post. Therefore, to see this reach, you need to select a period that includes the post publication date.
This reach cannot be seen on the graph on the days the post was advertised; it can only be seen by selecting a period that includes March 8, 2022.

Reach and Views Chart

Visually, the chart is no different from the version for Instagram accounts:

Reach and Views Chart

But here:

  • Views - the number of times any content from or about your page appeared on a screen.

  • Reach - the number of people who had any content from or about your page displayed on their screen.

Each point represents a day. Under the chart (number for the period) - the sum of these days. The display can be changed to Days, Weeks, or Months by clicking on the green button at the top right of the chart.

Reach Chart

Here, Reach is divided into Paid, Organic, and Viral:

Reach Chart
  • Paid Reach - unique users who saw the Page/posts as a result of using Facebook’s internal advertising.

  • Organic Reach - unique users who saw the Page/posts as a result of unpaid distribution (including viral reach).

  • Viral Reach - unique users who saw the Page/posts as a result of content shares, likes, or page subscriptions.

The sum of these reaches will be higher than the unique daily reach because one user can be counted in each group.

Views and Reach Charts

Here, just like for Instagram, the charts display Views and Reach from posts published over the selected period.

Views and Reach Charts

However, when you hover over a column, the set of metrics is broader:

  • Viral Reach - unique users who saw the Page/posts as a result of content shares, likes, or page subscriptions.

  • Other Reach - the reach of posts that do not belong to followers. In other words, those who are not subscribed to the page, viral reach, etc.

  • Total Cumulative Reach - the sum of post reaches, for example, for June.

  • Ad Reach - loaded directly from Facebook.

If you have any questions, contact us via chat on the website (Help button at the top right corner), chat-bot in Telegram or by email at [email protected]

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