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Posts Tab
Mariya Shcherbakova avatar
Written by Mariya Shcherbakova
Updated over a week ago


This tab presents statistics that allow for a detailed analysis of content. It helps to understand which content resonates with subscribers and which content should be discontinued, as well as formulate hypotheses for testing.

The table displays a list of all posts published during the selected period.

If a post is archived, its data will no longer be included after an update. Only posts currently in the feed are taken into account.

For Telegram, reposts are not displayed.

There are limitations on accessing post data for Telegram channels depending on the plan:

  • Agency Plan – 3 years

  • Business Plan – 2 years

  • Blogger Plan – 1 year

  • Quick Analysis – 2 months

  • Trial Period – 7 days

The table includes various metrics and indicators. By clicking on them, you can create rankings. Posts can also be sorted by date. The set of metrics in the table depends on the social network. For example, in VK, there is "Votes" – the number of people who voted in the post’s poll. Saves can only be viewed for your own accounts.

You can also add or change displayed metrics by clicking on the Gear icon or the "Add Metrics" button.

For Instagram carousel posts, data on reposts and new subscribers is currently unavailable.

For Reels posts, the "New Subscribers" metric is unavailable. These data are not accessible through the Instagram API.

Reposts for Telegram are the total number of forwards of posts published during the selected period. This includes forwards to public channels and chats, as well as private chats and direct messages.

A "$" symbol next to a post preview indicates that the post was promoted.

Statistics on website clicks from posts and stories are not available, as social networks do not currently provide this data.

The letters in the top left corner of a post preview are post ratings. They are assigned 3 hours after the post is published and are based on the speed of likes received. These ratings help to identify posts suitable for promotion. Ratings are assigned only to posts published after the account has been added to the LiveDune Dashboard.

The ratings are calculated by an internal algorithm over 3 days. During this period, the data may change as they are based exclusively on the speed of reactions. The number of reactions does not affect the rating; only the speed does. If a post receives fewer than 10 reactions, no rating is assigned.

Ratings can fluctuate and are constantly recalculated based on the performance of posts over the last six months.

For example, if a post initially received an "A" rating and later dropped to a "C," it means that at first, the post gained likes quickly relative to other posts, but later another post outperformed it, and the overall speed compared to other posts over the past six months slowed down, causing the rating to drop.

You can sort posts by rating and see all posts from the best to the worst:

  • Ascending (from "no rating" to A+)

  • Descending (from A+ to "no rating")

More details about ratings can be found here.

Telegram Post Updates

For Telegram accounts, updates on the last 100 posts occur:

  • Once a day for accounts with fewer than 300 subscribers

  • Twice a day for accounts with fewer than 310 posts per week

  • Hourly for accounts with more than 300 subscribers and more than 310 posts per week

A full account update happens once a week.
Unfortunately, there is no exact update time, as it varies depending on the last update time and the queue.

Post Statistics

By clicking the arrow next to a post's date, you can access Post Statistics.

Here, you will find key information about the post, including the number of likes, comments, and calculations for ER and ERR.

The graph shows dynamic data on likes, comments, saves, and reach. Reaction dynamics are only collected for posts from accounts added to the Dashboard. Updates occur every hour for 24 hours after the post is published, but no more than for the last 20 posts.

The graph is available for both your own and other accounts across all social networks.


The flag in the second column allows you to tag a post with a category. The "Excluded" category is added by default.

The "Excluded" category cannot be selected with other categories. Posts marked as "Excluded" will not be considered in the ER, ERR, ERV, or RR widgets (depending on the social network) on the "Engagement" tab.

You can also create additional categories by selecting "Add Category" in the column in the pop-up window.

Enter a category name, hashtag, and choose a color for the category. The "Hashtag" field is optional, but adding one will make it easier to categorize posts automatically in the future.

You can assign multiple categories to a single post. Categories for posts and stories are saved and accessible within the project where the account is located.

The table helps you identify which categories are most popular among your subscribers.

The table will remain empty until you categorize posts in the "Posts" table above.

You can also set categories when scheduling posts via Autoposting for all social networks except Instagram, provided the categories are set up for the project where the account is located.

If one post has multiple categories, it will be counted in each.

You can analyze categories by sorting by any field in the table (click on the parameter name in the header).


After creating categories, information about them will be displayed below the posts in the Performance table.

Here, post statistics are displayed by category. The table will remain empty until you categorize posts. If one post has multiple categories, it will be counted in each.

Additionally, you can view information on post types in the "Post Types" tab.

By clicking on "Hashtags," you will be taken to the hashtag chart at the bottom of the Posts tab.

On the Performance graph, just like the Posts graph, you can choose which metrics to display by clicking the Gear icon in the upper-right corner of the graph.

The graph is available for both your own and other accounts across all social networks.

Number of Posts

The graph shows the number of posts published during the selected period. Clicking on the columns will open a list of posts.

The graph is available for your own and other accounts on Facebook, VK.

For other social networks, this graph is not available.

Post Text Length

This graph shows the average number of reactions on posts over the selected period, broken down by the number of characters. Clicking on the columns will open a list of posts.

To view this graph, you need to add the account to the Dashboard.

This graph helps you determine the optimal text length for your audience. If you see that long texts don't generate many reactions (likes, comments, saves), there's no need to continue writing them. It's better to post two shorter posts in the same time frame.

After determining the most effective text length, analyze those posts to identify common factors: topic, format, etc. For example, if texts shorter than 150 characters are more effective, it's likely not about the text itself. Short texts are often just a few phrases, and the reactions are more likely due to a beautiful image.

The graph is available for your own and other accounts on Instagram, Telegram, VK, Facebook.

The graph is not available for YouTube or X (Twitter).

Post Types Graphs

These graphs help you determine the effectiveness of each post type and adjust your content plan.

The left graph shows a pie chart reflecting the frequency of different post formats: link, image, video. It shows the ratio of post types in the account.

The right graph shows the effectiveness of each format. It displays the number of reactions to posts based on their type. Reactions from ads are not included.

The graph is available for your own and other accounts on Instagram, Telegram, VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, and Twitter.

The graph is not available for YouTube and Telegram.


This graph is only available for your own Facebook accounts.

The charts show the ratio of organic and viral reach, likes, comments, and reposts.

Viral likes, comments, and reposts are those received on reposts. For example, if your post received 100 likes and 2 reposts that garnered 20 and 30 likes, the total likes on the post would be 150: 100 organic likes and 50 viral likes (20+30). Paid reach is not included in the calculation of organic reach.

Paid reach is not included when calculating organic reach.

Hashtag Graphs

Hashtags are collected from post text and comments on your own accounts, published after the account was added to the Dashboard. To track hashtags from comments, the "Comments" module must be enabled.

The first graph shows a word cloud of frequently used hashtags. The larger the font, the more frequently the hashtag is used.

The second graph displays the top hashtags that generated the most reactions (likes, comments, saves).

The third graph (only for your own accounts added to the Dashboard) displays the top 30 hashtags that generated the maximum reach.

If the hashtag graphs are empty and you see the message "No data for the selected period," it means that no posts with hashtags have been published since the account was added to the Dashboard.

Reactions from ads are not included.

If you're analyzing competitors and want to copy the full list of hashtags used, export an Excel report on the "Export" tab.

The graph is available for your own and other accounts on Instagram and Odnoklassniki.

The graph is not available for other social networks.

Promoted Posts

These graphs are only available for your own Facebook accounts.

The graphs show the ratio of reach and views in the account from promoted posts through Ads Manager.

Data will automatically appear on the graph if there are promoted posts in Facebook. You don't need to link the Ads Manager for your Business Page.

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