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Engagement Tab
Mariya Shcherbakova avatar
Written by Mariya Shcherbakova
Updated over a week ago


The Engagement tab is not available for YouTube and Twitter.

At the top of the tab, the main metrics and their changes are displayed, comparing the analyzed period with the previous period of the same length:

Here, the sum of the metrics for the period is displayed, along with the change in this sum compared to the previous period of the same length. In the Summary tab, the change is shown specifically as an average per post.

For example, in the screenshot above, you can see that the number of likes during the analyzed period (which is selected in the top right corner) decreased by 26.5% compared to the previous period (of the same length).

The next block shows the average number of likes for the account during the analyzed period, which is calculated as the sum of likes from all posts published during the period divided by the number of posts published in the same period, along with the changes.

The following two blocks are dedicated to comments, and the logic is the same as for the likes.

Widgets are available for the following social networks:

For Instagram: Likes, Comments.

For Telegram: Reactions, Comments.

For VK: Likes, Comments.

For Facebook: Reactions, Likes.

For Odnoklassniki: Likes, Comments.

Likes and Comments Graph

This graph shows the dynamic growth of likes and comments. It only accounts for likes and comments from posts published during the period selected in the top right corner.

Hovering over the bars reveals how many likes were received from ads, how many were organic, and the average (Instagram only).

A dotted blue line shows the dynamics of the average metric.

You can select the display by months, weeks, days, or by posts.

Widgets are available for the following social networks:

For Instagram: Likes, Comments.

For Telegram: Reactions, Comments.

For VK: Likes, Comments.

For Facebook: Reactions, Likes.

For Odnoklassniki: Likes, Comments.

Engagement Rate Graph

The data for this graph is collected only after adding the account to the Dashboard and while an active plan is in place (if the connection to the account is lost or the paid access expires, data is no longer collected). For some accounts, data for previous periods may be available as they were being monitored by someone else.

The ERR dynamic (green line) is only available for your own accounts. For other accounts, you will only see ER (blue line).

Two indicators are calculated here:

  • Engagement Rate (ER) (blue line) – the ratio of the average number of all interactions on posts to the number of followers.

  • Engagement Reach Rate (ERR) (green line) – almost identical to ER but is calculated based on the average reach of the posts instead of followers.

These metrics are calculated daily at midnight Moscow time, based on the last 20 posts. The graph is built excluding ads and promo posts, based on the median. The median means that 50% of accounts have an ER below this number, and 50% have an ER above it. Each point on the graph represents a day.

Engagement metrics, including promo posts, can be viewed in the "Engagement for the period" graph if the ad account is connected (found in the "Ads" tab) – relevant only for Instagram accounts.

It is essential to track engagement over time. If ER remains steady while the number of followers grows, that is still a positive result since ER typically drops as the number of followers increases. We have a small study on the impact of follower count on Engagement Rate — "ER Study."

Social networks with Engagement Rate graph available:

For Instagram: Yes. For other accounts: Only ER.

For Telegram: Yes, ER and ERV.

For VK: Yes. For other accounts: Yes.

For Facebook: Yes. For other accounts: Only ER.

For Odnoklassniki: Only ER. For other accounts: Only ER.

Engagement for the period Widgets

Below the Engagement Rate graph, you will find blocks with formulas showing engagement for the period. For your own accounts, you can calculate ER, ERR, ERV, RR:

All metrics are calculated based on all posts during the analyzed period (not based on the last 20 posts, as in the graph above). Using the switch in the top right corner of the graph (a dollar sign icon in a circle), you can choose to calculate metrics with ads included, provided the ad account is connected in the "Ads" tab (relevant only for Instagram accounts).

Let’s break down each metric:

  • Reach Rate (only for your own accounts) – shows the ratio of the average reach of posts to the number of followers during the selected period. This metric helps you understand how much of your audience you can reach through the algorithmic feed.

  • ER – the classic engagement rate metric. We not only calculate ER for your account but also compare it with other accounts (there’s a note under the number). We gather all accounts connected to our service with a similar number of followers as yours and calculate the average ER, which is then compared to yours. This way, you can evaluate your engagement rate.

  • ERR (only for your own accounts) – engagement based on reach. It is calculated as the sum of reactions divided by the sum of post reach.

For Telegram, there is also the VR (Views Rate) metric – the ratio of the average number of post views to the number of followers.

Each metric is accompanied by the formula used for its calculation. In the account settings, you can customize the calculation (Business and Agency plans), using either the Arithmetic Mean – where reactions from each post are summed and calculated using the standard formula – or the Weighted Average – where each post’s ER is calculated and then averaged. "Engagement" refers to the sum of likes, comments, and saves. Reach and views are the total from all posts, including promo posts.

More about ER, ERR, and other engagement metrics can be found in the article.

Social networks with formula widgets available:

For Instagram: Yes. For other accounts: Only ER.

For Telegram: Yes, ER, ERV, VR.

For VK: Yes. For other accounts: Yes, ER, ERV, VR.

For Facebook: Yes. For other accounts: Only ER.

For Odnoklassniki: Only ER. For other accounts: Only ER.

Average Reactions per Post Graph:

This graph shows the average number of reactions per post. The data is calculated once a day based on the median of the last 20 posts.

The data for this graph is collected only after adding the account to the Dashboard and while an active plan is in place. For some accounts, data for previous periods may be available as they were being monitored by someone else.

Social networks with Average Reactions per Post graph available:

For Instagram: Yes, Likes, Comments, Saves. For other accounts: Likes, Comments.

For Telegram: Yes, Reactions, Comments, Reposts.

For VK: Yes, Likes, Comments, Reposts. For other accounts: Likes, Comments, Reposts.

For Facebook: Yes, Likes, Comments, Reposts. For other accounts: Likes, Comments, Reposts.

For Odnoklassniki: Yes, Likes, Comments, Reposts. For other accounts: Likes, Comments, Reposts.

Best Time to Post Graph

This graph shows how your audience reacted to your posts based on the time of publication. The time zone can be set in the Settings.

Each square shows the average number of reactions (likes, comments, saves) for a post at a specific hour. Empty squares indicate that you did not post during those hours after the account was connected to LiveDune.

Based on the recommendations from the Best Time to Post graph, the Autoposting module determines the next best time to post. If no recommendation is available for today, it will find the hour in the next 24 hours with a recommendation, including time and date.

This graph is available for all social networks, both for your own and other accounts, except YouTube and Twitter.

Reaction Distribution Graph

Available only for your own Facebook accounts.

The diagram shows the percentage of reactions received on posts.

Widgets and Post Statistics Graphs

Widgets and graphs show saves and video views, comparing the analyzed period with the previous period of the same length.

Different widgets are available for different social networks. For example, for VK and OK, it’s Reposts and Votes.

For Instagram, the Saved and Video Views graphs show the dynamics of post saves and video views.

  • Saves – the total number of saves across all posts published during the analyzed period.

  • Saves (Avg) – the average number of saves per post published during the analyzed period.

  • Video Views – the total number of video views across all posts published during the analyzed period.

  • Video Views (Avg) – the average number of video views per post published during the analyzed period.

Graphs are built only based on posts published during the selected period.

Hovering over the bars reveals how many saves were received from ads, how many were organic, and the average (Instagram only).

A dotted blue line shows the dynamics of the average metric.

Social networks with Widgets and Post Statistics Graphs available:

For Instagram: Yes, Saves, Video Views. For other accounts: No.

For Telegram: No.

For VK: Yes, Reposts, Votes. For other accounts: Reposts, Votes.

For Facebook: Yes, Comments, Reposts. For other accounts: Yes, Comments, Reposts.


There are two graphs for Mentions: Type of Mentions and Mentions:

  • The Type of Mentions graph shows the percentage breakdown of mentions of your account in posts and comments, excluding mentions in your own posts.

  • The Mentions graph displays the number of mentions of your account for each day within the selected calendar period, broken down by comments and posts.

Mention graphs are available only for Instagram, Facebook, and VK accounts. Mention data in stories is available only for Instagram.

Communication Graph

Available only for your own Instagram accounts.

This graph shows the dynamics of interactions with the contact section in your account profile.

  • Clicks on link – the number of clicks on the link placed in the profile bio.

  • Clicks on address – the number of clicks on the address in the profile bio.

  • Clicks on phone – the number of clicks on the "Call" button in the profile bio.

  • Clicks on email – the number of clicks on the "Email" button in the profile bio.

  • Clicks on "Send SMS" – the number of clicks on a link to another account placed in the profile bio description.

Reactions by Day Graph

Available only for your own accounts.

This graph shows how many reactions your account received on a particular day, regardless of the post’s publication time. For example, if it says 327 likes were received on May 1st, this means all 327 likes were given on May 1st.

Another example: when you select a period in the top right corner, say May, the Likes block at the top of the Engagement tab shows only likes on posts published in January. However, the Reactions by Day graph shows any likes on any posts, including older ones. If it indicates that 200 likes were received on a particular day, it means all 200 likes were given on that day, but not necessarily on posts published in January; they could be likes on a post from November, for instance.

Social networks with Reactions by Day graph available:

For Instagram: Yes, Likes, Comments, Saves, Video Views.

For Telegram: No.

For VK: Yes, Likes, Comments, Reposts, Hides.

For Facebook: Yes, Likes, Comments, Reposts, Reactions.

For Odnoklassniki: Yes, Likes, Comments, Reposts, Votes.

For YouTube: No.

This graph is not available for other accounts.

Post Reactions Graph

Available only for your own VK, Odnoklassniki, and Facebook accounts.

This graph shows the daily dynamics of user interactions with posts.

  • For VK, it looks like this:

  • For Facebook, it looks like this:

  • For Odnoklassniki, it looks like this:

Content Opens – the number of times internal content (videos, photos) from the post was opened.

Each social network's Post Reactions graph includes its own set of reactions.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the chat on the website (Help button in the top right corner), the chat bot in Telegram, or via email at [email protected].

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