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Summary Tab
Mariya Shcherbakova avatar
Written by Mariya Shcherbakova
Updated over a week ago

Summary Tab The "Summary" is the first tab you encounter when accessing account statistics. It displays all the key metrics. Data is shown for the period selected in the top right corner, with a default of 3 months.

Widgets This section consists of four blocks that summarize the key data for the account, showing metrics and changes for the selected period. Hovering over an arrow reveals percentage changes.

  • Followers Block: This shows the number of followers on the last day of the selected period, updated once daily at 11 AM Moscow time. The next update will occur the following day at 11 AM.

  • Likes Block: Shows the total likes on posts published during the selected period. "Per post" indicates the average likes per post.

  • Comments Block: Shows the total comments on posts published during the selected period, along with the average number of comments per post. Percentages indicate the growth or decline compared to a similar previous period.

  • Reposts Block: This shows the total number of reposts from posts published during the selected period. For Telegram, it includes both public and private shares.

Data may change over time, as users interact with older posts, affecting the overall numbers in the blocks.

Widgets are available for all social networks:

  • Instagram: Followers, Likes, Comments, Saves. For external accounts: Followers, Likes, Comments, Total posts.

  • Telegram: Followers, Reactions, Reposts, Views.

  • VK: Followers, Likes, Comments, Reposts. For external accounts: the same metrics.

  • Facebook: Likes, Reactions, Comments, Reposts. For external accounts: the same metrics.

  • Odnoklassniki: Followers, Likes, Comments, Reposts. For external accounts: the same metrics.

  • YouTube: Followers, Video views. No metrics for external accounts.

  • Twitter: Followers, Posts, Likes, Retweets. For external accounts: the same metrics.

Express Audit Below the widgets is the Express Audit section, which provides tips available only for Instagram accounts:

  • Own Instagram accounts: 12 tips available.

  • External Instagram accounts: 4 tips available. The full list of tips can be expanded by clicking "Show More." This module can be hidden or restored through the settings.

An account audit is a detailed analysis that helps shape promotion strategies by identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Last Post Chart This section tracks the dynamics of likes and comments on the most recent post within 24 hours of publishing. It includes:

  • Date and time of post publication.

  • A preview of the post with real-time stats.

  • A graph showing the dynamics of reactions, broken down by hours.

The chart is clickable, and users can toggle various metrics (likes, comments, reposts, views, reach) to display on the graph.

Charts are available for:

  • Instagram: Likes, Comments, Saves, Reach. For external accounts: Likes, Comments.

  • Telegram: Likes, Comments, Reposts, Views.

  • VK: Likes, Comments, Reposts, Reach, Views. For external accounts: the same.

  • Facebook: Likes, Comments, Reposts, Reach. Not available for external accounts.

  • Odnoklassniki: Likes, Comments, Reposts, Reach. For external accounts: the same.

  • YouTube: Not available.

  • Twitter: Likes, Retweets. Not available for external accounts.

Followers Dynamics Chart This chart is available for Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, VK, and Odnoklassniki accounts. Data is collected once the account is added to the dashboard with an active subscription plan. The chart tracks follower growth over various periods (day, week, month, three months, or entire period). Posts are marked with flags that display post previews when hovered over, allowing tracking of follower growth after specific posts.

Subscribers Chart Available for Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, VK, and Odnoklassniki accounts. This chart corresponds to the Followers block at the top of the page, showing daily data for the selected period.

Data for the chart is collected at 11 AM Moscow time daily. Different social networks have some nuances:

  • YouTube: Follower counts are rounded (to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000 depending on the total number).

  • Facebook: Instead of followers, "Likes" for pages are tracked.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe Chart This chart is only available for own accounts and shows the number of users who subscribed and unsubscribed during the selected period. Unsubscribes are shown with a one-day delay. Red bars indicate unsubscribes, green for subscribes, and orange for periods when the account connection was lost.

This chart is available only for own Instagram, VK, Facebook, and Odnoklassniki accounts.

Engagement Rate Chart This chart is available for own accounts after adding them to the dashboard. It calculates:

  • Engagement Rate (ER): Interaction per post relative to the total number of followers.

  • Engagement Reach Rate (ERR): Similar to ER, but relative to post reach instead of followers.

For Instagram, engagement rates are calculated based on the last 20 posts. The chart updates daily at midnight Moscow time.

Charts for ER are available for:

  • Instagram: Yes. External accounts: ER only.

  • Telegram: Yes, ER and VR.

  • VK: Yes, for both own and external accounts.

  • Facebook: Yes, ER for external accounts only.

  • Odnoklassniki: ER only, for both own and external accounts.

  • YouTube: ER only, for own accounts.

  • Twitter: ER only, for both own and external accounts.

Video Views Chart This chart is available for Odnoklassniki and shows the dynamics of views on published videos.

Views Chart Available only for YouTube accounts, showing the dynamics of views over the selected period.

Engagement Widgets Below the Engagement Rate chart, there are engagement widgets with formulas for ER, ERR, ERV, and RR. These indicators are calculated based on all posts during the selected period, and users can toggle calculations to include promotions.

Comparison with Category Chart This chart compares your account with others in the same category for 7 metrics:

  • Followers

  • Engagement Rate

  • Engagement Rate Reach

  • Reach Rate

  • Posts per week

  • Stories per day

  • Story completion rate

This feature is available for own accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and VK.

On Instagram*, the account category is chosen when switching to a business account. This category is available for business accounts and creator accounts, and it appears in the profile header, helping users quickly understand the focus of your business or blog.

By default, the account category on Instagram* is hidden for all users. To display it in the profile header, click the "Edit Profile" button, then "Profile Display," and toggle the switch next to "Show in Profile."

All data is calculated over 30 days, regardless of the period selected in the top-right corner of the page. Only accounts connected to LiveDune as your own are counted in the category. When calculating ER and ERR, all reactions are counted regardless of settings.

On VK, for communities, the theme you selected when creating the community is used. For example, auto repair, bicycles, software, etc. For interest groups, only the type (open, closed, private) is displayed, so the analysis will be less useful.

We group all accounts in the same category as your account, which are connected to our service as your own, then calculate the average values for the category across 7 metrics (shown in the screenshot). Then, the service compares the category averages with your account’s values and assigns a status: a cross if your metric is below the average, and a checkmark if it's above.

If your metric is above the category average, a checkmark will appear in the "Status" column; if it's below, a cross will be shown. The exception is Engagement Rate and Engagement Rate Reach. When calculating these metrics, the number of followers is considered, and the larger the follower count, the lower the engagement rate tends to be.

If there is no comparative table for the category, it means there are not enough accounts in that category in our database for calculations. Check if the correct category is set for you; if not, try changing it.

If LiveDune shows the wrong category for your account, make sure that the same category is set in Instagram, the Facebook Business Page linked to it, and in Facebook Business Manager. If not, align the category across all platforms and re-link the account in LiveDune.

"Outgoing Subscriptions" Chart
Available for your own Instagram accounts and for your own and third-party Twitter accounts.

This chart shows the dynamics of the number of outgoing subscriptions on the account.

Data in this chart is collected only after the account is added to the Dashboard and while an active subscription plan is in place (If the connection with the account is lost or the paid access expires, data will not be collected). For some accounts, data may be available for past periods if they were monitored by someone else.

Outgoing subscriptions are the number of people you followed using this account. Below the chart, as with previous ones, there are several indicators:

For the period – This shows the change in the number of subscriptions for the specified period. In the screenshot above, +1 means that compared to the previous period, the number of subscriptions from your side increased by 1.

Max change – Shows the maximum change recorded for the selected period.

Min change – Shows the minimum change recorded for the selected period.

Average per day – The average change per day.

You could say that this chart is identical to the Followers chart, but it tracks the subscriptions you make.

"Posts" Chart
The chart shows the frequency of posts in the account, broken down by format (image, video, carousel, reels – depending on the social network).

The chart is based on the publication dates of posts in the account. Deleted posts are not included.

The columns in the chart are clickable; clicking on them will load the list of posts published on that day.

If the account is not added to the Dashboard and is a third-party account, clicking on the post columns will not work.

This chart is available for your own and third-party accounts across all social networks, except for third-party YouTube accounts. For Twitter, the chart is called "Tweets."

"Reactions" Chart
Shows the dynamics of reactions collected on the account for the analyzed period.

Reactions are only counted from posts published during the selected period. The columns are clickable, and clicking will open a window with the post.

The chart is available for the following social networks:

For Instagram: Likes, Comments, Saves, Shares. For third-party accounts: Likes, Comments.

For Telegram: Reactions, Comments, Shares.

For VKontakte: Likes, Comments, Shares, Votes. For third-party accounts: Likes, Comments.

For Facebook: Likes, Comments, Shares, and all Reactions. For third-party accounts: Likes, Comments, Shares.

For Odnoklassniki: Likes, Comments, Shares, Votes. For third-party accounts: Likes, Comments, Shares, Votes.

For YouTube: Views, Likes, Dislikes, Comments. For third-party accounts: None.

For Twitter: Likes, Retweets. For third-party accounts: Likes, Retweets.

"Top Posts" Chart

Available for Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki accounts.

Here, a block with the top posts in the account for the analyzed period is displayed. You can create a top based on reactions, and also choose the post format: all, image, video, carousel.

For example, you can display the top posts with videos by reach. Or top posts by ER only from carousels, and so on.

Clicking the "Show more posts" button will take you to the Posts tab, where you can see all posts and sort them by various metrics.

Sometimes, the same post can appear in both the best and worst lists. This happens when there were few posts in the period, and one post had a total number of reactions that qualify it as both the best and worst. You can see this by filtering all posts for the period from highest to lowest in the Posts tab.

Reaction counts depend on the social network and whether you own the account or not. See more details in the table below:

For Instagram: Likes, Comments, Saves, Reach, Views, ER, ERR, Shares. For third-party accounts: Likes, Comments, ER.

For Telegram: Reactions, Shares, Views, ER, ERV, VR.

For VKontakte: Likes, Comments, Shares, Votes, Views, Reach, ER, ERR, ERV. For third-party accounts: Likes, Comments, Shares, Votes, Views, ER, ERV.

For Facebook: Reactions, Comments, Shares, Views, Reach, ER, ERR. For third-party accounts: Reactions, Comments, Shares, ER.

For Odnoklassniki: Likes, Comments, Shares, Votes, ER. For third-party accounts: Likes, Comments, Shares, Votes, ER.

For YouTube: Views, Likes, Dislikes, Comments. For third-party accounts: None.

For Twitter: None. For third-party accounts: None.

If you have any questions, write to us in the chat on the website (Help button in the top right corner), in the Telegram chatbot, or via email at [email protected].

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