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Advertising Tab
Mariya Shcherbakova avatar
Written by Mariya Shcherbakova
Updated over a week ago


This section is only available for your Instagram pages.*

Advanced advertising statistics data is only available on the Business and Agency plans. On the Blogger plan, when linking an Advertising account, the data on other tabs is displayed along with the ads, but the actual statistics in the Advertising tab are not available.

On the Blogger plan, the Advertising tab will look like this:

When you first access the Advertising tab, you will be prompted to connect advertising accounts:

The process for connecting advertising accounts is the same as adding an Instagram account—via Facebook. You need to be logged in to the browser with the personal Facebook account that has access to the necessary Advertising account.

Important! The Instagram account and the advertising account must be connected through the same Facebook account.

After connecting the account, all data will be pulled from it, including reach, which was already in the account before connecting it to LiveDune. All the available data from the account will be displayed.

Promoted Posts Table

After connecting the ad account, the statistics will load within 30 minutes. The first table in the Advertising tab is Promoted Posts:

Here you can see all the posts from the account’s feed that were promoted through the Instagram app or Ads Manager. Only the promotion data is displayed. Organic likes and comments are not considered, which can be seen in the Posts tab. Individual creatives (posts that are not in the Instagram feed) and Story promotions are not included.

We only receive data if the post was promoted through the Promote button on Instagram—this refers to promoting posts from the feed. If you launched a separate ad, we will not receive that data; we only receive data for posts from the feed.

You can promote a publication from the feed or launch an ad campaign. In the first case, the data will appear in the service; in the second, it will not.

You can select the period in the upper right corner as well:

In the Advertising tab, when selecting a period, the sorting is based on the publication date of the promoted posts, not the campaign launch date. Facebook considers data based on ad launch, while LiveDune considers data based on post publication. For example, if you launched an ad in September for a post published in August, Facebook will show the data in September, but LiveDune will show it in August.

By clicking the gear icon, you can choose which metrics to display in the table:

To sort posts by any metric, click its header:

To see detailed information about each promoted post, click the green arrow at the end of the row (if the statistics don’t load, you may need to disable AdBlock or other ad blockers).

You can separate data into ads and organic posts in the Posts tab by clicking the gear icon in the upper corner.

Ad Accounts Table

This table duplicates the data from the Facebook advertising account. Clicking on the account name opens a list of ad campaigns:

Clicking on the campaign name opens a list of ads within it:

By pressing the Calculate button in the Subscribers column, the number of subscribers gained from the ad will appear. Unfortunately, it's not possible to determine whether the subscribers came from ads or not—Instagram doesn't provide such data. In the Advertising tab, you can see the number of followers gained, which reflects the number of people who followed your account from the start of the ad campaign until it ends (or until the current moment if the campaign is still running).

To display the subscriber count correctly, you should create a separate campaign for each ad and run only one campaign at a time. This is because the service can only calculate the number of followers during the campaign period. If 10 ads were run in a single campaign, the same number will be shown for each.

If the number of followers is “0,” it means the total number of followers decreased during the campaign.

If “n/a” is displayed (no data), it means the campaign started (or even ended) before the account was connected to LiveDune, making it impossible to calculate the change.

If a post has been promoted multiple times, the data may vary because we only receive data from the most recent promotion. This means that only the current organic data and ad are considered. Data from previous promotions is not included, as this is a limitation of Instagram’s data transmission. Likes, comments, and saves will match.

Promoted Posts Statistics

Only the data of posts that were promoted and published during the selected period is considered (i.e., other ads, and the date and time of post promotions are not considered).

In the upper right corner, you can select the currency symbol used for launching advertising campaigns.

Explanation of terms:

  • CPC – Average cost per click.

  • CPM – Average cost per 1,000 impressions.

  • CPP – Average cost per 1,000 reached users.

  • CTR – The ratio of users who clicked to the number of impressions.

Performance Dynamics Graph

Displays the daily dynamics of advertising metrics.

You can click on the values below the graph to hide them:

Proportions Graph

This graph shows the ratio of likes, comments, and reach in the account obtained from promoting posts via the Instagram app and Ads Manager.

Ad likes are calculated as the difference between the ad post and the original post, and the same applies to comments.

Advertising data in the Advertising tab and the report may not match because in the Advertising tab, clicking on the ad account shows data from the entire account, all campaigns, ads, etc., while in the Excel report, the columns are summed only for the selected promoted posts.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the chat on the website (Help button in the upper right corner), the Telegram chatbot, or via email at [email protected].

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